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Jan 11 min read
Day 23: Happy new year!
This is the New Year! New Year, new me! As they say... My new year resolution goes as: Lose weight Balance art and interest Fall in love...
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Nov 1, 20221 min read
Day 22: User has disconnected from your channel.
I don't know where I am half the time. Parts of my brain are convinced I am Russia. Some people here have weird accents and money...
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Mar 18, 20221 min read
The Global Consciousness is dirty
Today is a strange day, I keep getting messages from the GloCon. I guess I am streaming. No, I have never committed arson. No, I am not a...
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Feb 10, 20223 min read
The revelation of the dead
It has been a while since I wrote something for this I am still happy, job is going well. I was sick and vomiting for a small period that...
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