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Day 23: Happy new year!

Writer's picture: ogredaleogredale

This is the New Year!

New Year, new me! As they say...

My new year resolution goes as:

Lose weight

Balance art and interest

Fall in love with myself

The losing weight part is self-explanatory, I just want to be skinny. My goal is to become an androgynous Goddess. Balancing art and interest is an interesting one. I want to do art but also have interest in things, like playing with Linux while writing poems later. Right now I do a lot of interest but no art. Falling in love with myself has different meanings, I want to get a better self-image and like myself more but at the same time I want to literally fall in love with myself.

I want a date, who is the best person for me...? Myself, obviously!

Now, what have I been doing these 425 days!? Well, a lot...

I started reading books, yes, real books! I am currently reading American Psycho and The Great Gatsby. I turned into a hardcore left winger, I love socialism and all that blah blah. I've started smoking a pipe, it's pretty epic. I've found a new favorite video game. I've ruined some friendships and made new ones.

Things are changing for the better and what not.

I'm sorry I don't know what else to write so I guess this is goodbye...

For now...


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