I want to make a list of songs that I like a lot and why I like them. This is sort of a reference sheet or like a hub of music to share.
Let's start with my current favorite song:
This is my current favorite because it reflects my outlook on life, just bored to death. I really like the lyrics and how fast the song is, earlier GG stuff is really good.
We didn't come here to rock is my second favorite AJJ song. Everything in the song just works together and Sean did well with the vocals. The lyrics are great as it shows the annoyance of people expecting too much or the wrong thing. Telling people they are bad at art is like telling someone they are bad at walking, they just do it. Art is just created and it is up to you to give it meaning.
This has to be my favorite AJJ song as it is so relatable. The lyrics make me think of going to school and all the insecurities it brought out. AJJ songs just make use of all the noises in the song and it fits so well together.
This is by far my favorite atlas song. The constant crackling and weird twang sound just make such a good combo. This song makes me feel guilty for all the things I've done to my friends, but at the same time gives me a caring feeling. When I look at this song through the glass of love it hits completely different.
This song is the whole reason I got into rock. When I first heard this song I needed more of this type of music, so I went searching the genre but didn't have much luck. It kind of sounds like surf rock, but at the time I had no idea. Atlas the artist has done so much for me, showing me more music that I like and even saving my life. Atlas saved my life.
Favorite Baseball Furies song. I just love the constant noise that Baseball Furies creates with their songs. I like the vocal distortion too.
This is one of those songs that I used to listen to a lot. So when I listen to it today I almost get a sense of nostalgia. Just a great song with some funky sounds.
This is no surprise that this song is here. The entire song is beautiful and the lyrics are meaningful and well sung. The best part is the beginning where he plays a few notes while extending the "living" part.
My favorite Charles Manson song. I like the message in the beginning parts about nobody thinking about him and how he doesn't really care. He then says a line that would usually be bad news but he still doesn't care. I know that feeling.
This song is so so beautiful... It is an emotional rollercoaster, one minute you will be filled with sadness but be given a glimpse of hope only to have it taken away. The song sums up the game really well too.
This song spawned a saying that I say a lot, "All humans are garbage". It is like a rock song but with a little extra something added in. Even though I don't know the lyrics, the few I know are good.
The Farcry 5 soundtrack is great but this is my favorite song. It almost inspires me to go do things. It also makes me think about a fantasy of spreading my religion and building an empire. This song spawned some of the sayings like "The voice don't lie" and The Voice's promise "We're gonna be safe and sound tonight".
The Lovecraftian universe is super interesting and expansive. So a parody song about the Elder God himself is a good idea. The execution is beautiful, it is kind of a contradiction. The guitar and vocals are really beautiful but the lyrics are about destroying humanity and being eaten.
No room and Kiss me in the Gutter is why I love GG so much. Despite the lyrics of No room being rather racist, it is just super-aggressive. His really raspy voice and the deep heavy guitar make a good combo. Kiss me in the Gutter is like taking what makes No room so good and making an entire song from that. I have no idea what GG is saying in the song but I think I get the idea. These two songs are what I like to call "fuck you" songs, songs that are just meant to piss you off. The music is a grind and messy, just like saying "fuck you" to the listener. I really like that.
GG Allin wasn't all scumfuc, he really was a human deep down. While some of his music is just meant to piss you off, stuff like this actually has effort put into it. This is the music that GG actually cared about. I just really like the lyrics too, singing about how bad things are but at the same time that is just the way things are. The line "we wouldn't have it any other way" says even though things are bad it is just kind of normal. He wouldn't have it any other way, and neither would I. I like to listen to the song after work cause it just makes me feel like that is how the world works.
This song is really emotional for me. It makes me think about leaving my childhood home to go live on my own. A really scary thought but also an exciting one. Like a previous song I get the message "that is how things work" when listening to this.
I found this song by accident and I'm glad I did. Sometimes I compare myself to a crazy hobo and this song just embodies that feeling. If I ever become homeless, I want this song playing while I walk down the street. It has a sort of obnoxious and cheeky sound to it.
Since the lyrics of this song are so vague, you can apply it to a lot of things. I like applying it to love and how I can't stop thinking about my lover. The music itself is upbeat and makes me feel happy and young.
This song is also super vague when it comes to lyrics, so you can make your own meaning. I like the compare the weird and funky sounds to what it is like being mentally ill. The lyrics are good too like "I know that if you hide, it doesn't go away" and "the stereo sounds strange". "The image of the dead deadens in my mind".
I like this song because I don't really count myself as a good person. Most of my friends say that I am a pretty good guy but I still feel like I'm not that good. The lyrics are literally the title, about not being a good person.
This song is about mental illness, simple. The goofy sounds and weird visuals really aid in what they are trying to represent. I feel this threat a lot, mostly the Cicada Corp and people conspiring against me. The doctor gave me these and said it would cure a existential-type disease but they didn't work.
This song is about not giving a shit what people think. That is awesome. Awesome song and awesome message.
Where do I begin? I can't begin to show how much I love Terry. He is an inspiration to me and like a beacon of hope. He was mentally ill as such am I and looking at what he did makes me feel empowered. Terry Davis was such a special person and for someone to make a song out of his singing is so cool. Even though it is short, it never gets old.
RIP Terry A Davis, 1969-2018 - He is now programming for God in heaven.
This song makes me feel like I am out on the streets with all my friends and we are daring each other to do stupid things. One of the dares is "Go find a date!" and you just run around looking for someone attractive. You've got to complete your mission.
I'll admit, I used to cry to this song a lot. I have a long history with this song and I love it. The song for me was originally a sad song about not finding love, but then it turned into a nice love song. Now it is like a combo of both of those things. This song just makes me feel weird and fuzzy.
This song summarizes the flaws within humanity and how we can't even deal with ourselves. It is similar to "All humans are garbage". What has man done?
I will end this off with a real good one. This song has a long history too. It takes me back to middle school around 2016 and hanging out with my friends after school. This was me and one of my friend's anthem. The world is such a weird place but that is OK. I don't know how to describe how the song makes me feel but similar to the lyrics "And I don't know just where we've got to go".
That is it, most of the songs have a meaning to me, or I just like them. Maybe you found a song you really like from this list, I hope so. Thanks for reading though!