So I was making songs on TempleOS, right? I would make the song then just record the screen with OBS and then be on my way. It was really janky and the only way to save the songs was with the video. I knew there was a better way so I snooped around TOS files and found where the Jukebox songs are stored. I then made a song and tried to save it in the directory of the Jukebox songs, and it worked! I figured out how to make a song and put it in the Jukebox app! I can now properly save my songs and listen to them when I want!
This is a really good thing!
Today so far has been a really good day but it is only about halfway over...
Above is the old method I would use, just saving the song as a DD file in the home directory.
Above this is the new method! Saving the file as HC and putting it in the Jukebox directory, making it show up in the Jukebox!!
The only thing I have to figure out now is how to make graphics and lyrics appear in the menu when playing the song. I think this requires some coding knowledge so that may not happen for a while.