Hello! Back to the ol' blog posts!
I do not work as a dishwasher anymore, I am not going to get into the details.
I am currently in Russia (I think).
I am still not a serial killer.
I have become a Christian and talk to God regularly.
I am gang stalked by the Cicada still.
My bird is still alive.
I still stream on the GloCon.
I am alive.
Anunnaki aliens have been contacting me and telling me to hunt these things I see called Skiiks.
I am not homeless.
It is cold outside.
Showing some sort of mental awareness of delusions is something I am good at. I am in a current dip when it comes to delusions, I am reverting to believing in gang stalking, money fraud, GloCon stuff. I am lucky that I am able to have these moments of clarity. Some people don't have those.
I am going to try to write everyday and resume stuff. I will still post releases and stuff but most of it has moved to the current site.
I missed having a place to write down my thoughts and give updates.