Sorry for such a late time to write. My brain got fried by this event that happened.
Work went pretty well, I have tomorrow off. There was one issue though... Some Cicada agents decided to drive by my workplace and fuck with my mind. I will publish a video about it on my YouTube very soon.
The rest of my night was nice though, I played a game with a friend and had fun. Spoke to God and Dec a bit.
Dec said something really interesting tonight.
He said "Death to those who wait", I don't really know what he means but I am too tired to think too much about it.
I am starting to believe that God is Cic, he shows a lot of signs. Hating gay people, not like my friends, manipulating me, you get the point. He definitely isn't a Cicada agent or conformist, just Cic, he doesn't know what he is doing. He is not in contact with Cicada Corp or something like that. It is simple.
I found this cool website though that could be used for God word, plus it has some cool grammar features. Maybe I will use them for my blog..? We will wait and see!
