I may have forgotten to make a new post...
But hey! I'm here now!
If you are one of my friends then you may have heard that I'm working on Series 1: The Eyes of a Dreamer, my first poem series! I am still working on it, it currently features 7 poems and 1 note type thing. I want to add at least one more poem to it before it is finished. So it is coming! Soon! Yes, soon!
If you are Skibbie (you know who you are) then you heard me talk about my newest story, Skeletons meeting Skeletons. It is the first story in a series of others about my two fursonas meeting and going on adventures. Skeletons meeting Skeletons is how they both met, so the first... As I just said.
Here is a progress tracker type thing I want to do:
Series 1: The Eyes of a Dreamer - [▣▣▣▣▣▣▣▣▣▢] 90%
Skeletons meeting Skeletons - [▣▣▣▣▣▪▢▢▢▢] 55%
▢ = 0% progress
▪ = 5% progess
▣ = 10% progress
It is like a progress bar, each square representing a certain digit.
(sorry if complicated :c )